formerly Conradia Medical Prevention Hamburg

How to find us


Sana Praevention Hamburg is located in a modern building complex (Center for Innovative Medicine, CiM) in the elegant Hamburg district Eppendorf. It is 10 car minutes away from the train station Dammtor, 20 car minutes away from the Airport Fuhlbüttel, directly at the Campus of the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf.


The address is (see also Google Maps):

Sana Praevention Hamburg

Falkenried 88 (CiM-Building, ground floor)

20251 Hamburg, Germany

Fon +49-40-468636 111

Fax +49-40-468636 122


There are parking spaces in the underground car park (APCOA Parking, Falkeried 88).

You will find us on the ground floor (Haus C) directly opposite the entrance.



Sana Praevention Hamburg der Sana Gesundheit GmbH · Falkenried 88 · 20251 Hamburg · Imprint · Privacy