formerly Conradia Medical Prevention Hamburg


Sana Praevention Hamburg (previously Conradia Medical Prevention Hamburg) is one of the leading diagnostic centers in Germany. The renowned 'Handelsblatt' has just chosen our Center as the Best Check-up Facility in Germany. As of June 1, 2019, we are part of the German-wide network Sana Praevention.

We offer:

  • high-end diagnostics including radiation-free whole body MRI (new: latest generation 3 Tesla MRI Siemens Magnetom Vida)
  • freshly renovated and newly designed high-class surroundings with your own client room instead of public waiting areas
  • the experience of more than 12,000 complete health checks
  • individualized lifestyle coaching based on the results

Treat yourself to the luxury of first-class medical care in an atmosphere in which you can devote yourself to that one important person: YOU.


Prof. Dr. med. Christoph M. Bamberger, MD
Director, Sana Praevention Hamburg

Dr. med. Sabine Guth, MD
Director, Sana Praevention Hamburg

Prof. Dr. med. Eberhard Windler, MD
Co-Director, Sana Praevention Hamburg



Prof. Dr. Christoph M. Bamberger, Director of Sana Praevention Hamburg, explains the results of a MRI exam to a patient

Sana Praevention Hamburg der Sana Gesundheit GmbH · Falkenried 88 · 20251 Hamburg · Imprint · Privacy