Sana Praevention Hamburg (previously Conradia Medical Prevention Hamburg) is one of the leading diagnostic centers in Germany. The renowned 'Handelsblatt' has just chosen our Center as the Best Check-up Facility in Germany. As of June 1, 2019, we are part of the German-wide network Sana Praevention.
We offer:
Treat yourself to the luxury of first-class medical care in an atmosphere in which you can devote yourself to that one important person: YOU.
Prof. Dr. med. Christoph M. Bamberger, MD
Director, Sana Praevention Hamburg
Dr. med. Sabine Guth, MD
Director, Sana Praevention Hamburg
Prof. Dr. med. Eberhard Windler, MD
Co-Director, Sana Praevention Hamburg
Sana Praevention Hamburg der Sana Gesundheit GmbH · Falkenried 88 · 20251 Hamburg · Imprint · Privacy