formerly Conradia Medical Prevention Hamburg


Second Opinion/Expert Finder


Patients confronted with a specific diagnosis are frequently in need of more certainty as to whether this diagnosis is correct and/or whether they were recommended the best treatment. For such cases, Prof. Bamberger and his team offer a "2nd Opinion Consultation". Depending on the specialty in question this second opinion will be provided directly by Sana Praevention Hamburg or in cooperation with our network of leading specialists in Hamburg and all over Germany. We would like to point out that this service requires that you present in person to our Center (no diagnoses by email or over the phone). Upon request, we also act as "Expert Finders", i.e. identify the best specialist for your individual problem and establish contact/refer you to him or her. 

You can, thus, consider us your personal gateway to the German medical system! 



Sana Praevention Hamburg der Sana Gesundheit GmbH · Falkenried 88 · 20251 Hamburg · Imprint · Privacy