formerly Conradia Medical Prevention Hamburg

Overview Check up Packages


Best medical care, state-of-the-art technology and personal attendance: Our team will thoroughly examine you for potential diseases and risk factors. During your stay at Sana Praevention Hamburg you will be accommodated in your own comfortably furnished lounge with high-speed internet access and flatscreen TV. In addition to our team of physicians your personal client manager will make your stay with us as uncomplicated and comfortable as possible.

You can choose between the following three check up packages:

Individual packages can be arranged on demand.

*depending on the type of specialty service requested, the First Class Check may have to be performed on two consecutive days.


Image of the lungs and the heart as part of a whole body MRI

Sana Praevention Hamburg der Sana Gesundheit GmbH · Falkenried 88 · 20251 Hamburg · Imprint · Privacy